Thanksgiving Miracle
I want to tell you a story. We hear so many times about what goes wrong in Haiti. The atrocities of the developing world. Some of us live more closely to it than others. We hear of children being sold to orphanages for $70 US. We hear of babies, children, adults dying because of lack of medical care and lack of access. We hear of hospitals shut down and on strike for 5 months at a time. We hear of a mother killing her own new baby because her baby is starving and the mom is destitute, out of options, and has lost hope. We hear of well meaning families from around the world adopting children who have a mom and a dad here in Haiti. We hear of orphanage directors (local or expat) abusing children, even killing them, and working the system to benefit. We hear of an economy that is struggling and yet many NGOs import all of their resources rather than supporting the local economy here. We hear of mothers not breast feeding their children because of a lack of education. We hear of ...