
I want to be a minister of light, of Justice. I desire justice. I crave justice. I want to see God's justice every day in Haiti. There's a common question I get asked: What's been the hardest thing about living in Haiti? I've answered that question in so many different ways. It's always hard to summarize an experience that is wrought with paradox - joy and pain, tears and laughter, beauty and tragedy- often in the same day or even in the same experience. But the answer I gave once that I think was the most honest and nearly brought me to tears (probably why I don't give that answer very often) is "seeing injustice up close and personal every single day." At times it feels like injustice reigns in Haiti. I hate injustice. I hate injustice against me and I think I hate it even more for Haitians. Injustice happens in so many different forms: - the woman who has no access to maternal healthcare and delivers her premature baby at the only go...