Wanted: Brave People
I've decided one of the most needed attributes in cross-cultural work or 'on the mission field' is bravery, courage. To step up, to show up, each and every day. Whether that's showing up to lead a medical clinic, to deliver a baby, to go get groceries, to leave your home takes courage. Because living in a foreign country as a foreigner, there are many assumptions that are made based on the color of my skin. In Haiti, there are a few things assumed of me: 1. I'm rich 2. I am educated 3. I haven't worked very hard for anything in my life (These are generalizations for a reason and do not apply to each individual Haitian's thinking) 4. I want to help and am able to help...or give a handout (DISCLAIMER: some of the above is true. I am rich in the world's standards. I am educated. I do want to help. I have worked for things in my life but I have been afforded incredible opportunities based on where I was born, into what socioeconomic class, and the ...