
Showing posts from March, 2016

Stand Firm

Ephesians 6 informs us to "stand firm" and when we've done all we can do (armor ourselves), then to stand firm. That's where I'm at right now. I feel like I've been hit in every which way. Spiritual warfare, bad dreams, discouragement, family troubles, oppression, organizational difficulties, secondary trauma of all we see and hear around here, the day to day turmoil in haiti- the main bridge we take to drive collapsing, locals being murdered, observing judgement and condemnation within the missionary's almost too much to bear. It's heavy... on top of the day to day heaviness here. I feel the weight of that heaviness.. for myself, for my friends, for this community, for this country. And yet, God doesn't call me to carry that by myself. He doesn't call me to carry that at all.    28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  29 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and h...

One of Those Days

In case there was the perception that life around here is hugging and singing with orphans that come and visit the clinic ; ) ... here's a comical (hopefully) recollection of a day in the life of me. Scene: My alarm went off at 4:45am in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at a 2 star hotel called the "Red Carpet Inn" that cost me $137 for the night because it's cruise ship season and a conference was in town.  #winning I got out of bed and showered which would be my last hot shower for a while. I even blow dried my hair. #doublewinning.  I packed up my bag for the 3rd time with it's 44 pounds of glory full of chocolate, gifts for others and all things you can buy at Wal Mart and can't find in Haiti.  I headed downstairs for the 'hotel shuttle' that leaves promptly at 6am. My international flight was 7:15am so I was already cutting it close. But come on, the whole reason I booked the hotel was for the hotel shuttle! When I came downstairs to ch...