Onaville Community Health Center

Hello Friends! I am very sorry it's been so long since I blogged. It was a little crazy between being in the states for Thanksgiving/wedding, then back in Haiti for 3 weeks opening a lab in our clinic and throwing Christmas parties for our house and clinic staff. Then I was back in the US for the Holidays and did quite a bit of traveling. I compiled a presentation summarizing how far we've come at the Onaville Community Health Center. We've now been open almost 4 months and I can hardly believe. I'm so thankful for each of our staff and the hard work they put in serving their community. One of the favorite parts of my day is getting to start off leading a small devotional with our nurses and ancillary staff at 8am. Welp - here ya go! Our clinic in September (it is now landscaped!) Clinic staff on September 17th, 2015- Clinic Opening! Started with 2 doctors, 5 nurses, security guard/translator, 2 cleaning staff, 1 clinic manager Patients started arri...