
Showing posts from June, 2015

Rachel’s Haiti Adventures

Hello supporters! Wow God has worked in incredible ways since I reached out for your support to go to Haiti! First of all, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and financial support to allow me to travel to Haiti. Our team had a great time in Haiti serving in the poor town of Titanyen, sharing the gospel, praying for those in need, loving on children, organizing a VBS of sorts, building a latrine and planting trees, and loving on the Mission of Hope staff. Haiti is a beautiful country full of mountains and ocean views but also with an intense amount of need. The country has a history full of abuse, revolt, corruption, and natural disasters. The stark poverty there and lack of resource seems overwhelming but at the same time there is such a hope in Haiti. The Lord graciously used my time in Haiti to remind me of the gifts that He has given me including building relationships, serving, empowering others, and sharing the gospel joyously and intentionally. He